Peggy K.’s Weblog

Are You Trying to Figure Out “Social Marketing” Too?
February 3, 2008, 11:43 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , ,

Greetings! Thank you for taking a minute to see what’s up in my first blog. As you may guess from my title, I’m trying to “get a handle” on marketing using the Internet. That doesn’t mean I’m going to fill my blog with a sales pitch. NO! That I’ve learned, at least. But as I’m signing up for every GREAT package that comes along, and having a hard time keeping up, listening, reading, watching, and DOING all the things I’m supposed to be doing, it dawned on me that I’m not alone. So I’m hoping that I can share the ideas that are sinking in for me, along the way, possibly share what is or isn’t working, and maybe get some help from you through comments along the way. What do you think, do we have a deal?

So, what have I learned so far?

  • That in spite of using tools to connect (Internet, e-mail, IMing, etc.) instead of face-to-face meetings, people are still friendly, sociable beings;
  • That it’s OK to promote (sell) something, as long as you’re not too pushy and have some basis for the idea that the people you are “talking” to may be interested in what you are offering;
  • That because we have so many options for sharing information, if you want to be successful, you need to “cover all the bases”. That will mean (my list so far):
    • Write blogs (updated “regularly” – how often does that need to be?)
    • Write articles – posted on WordPress too, or other places
    • Set-up a Squidoo lens – to point to my blog, and/or articles, as well as other interesting sites
    • Have a profile on social sites with gentle references to my blog or other sites, like MySpace, FaceBook…
    • Become an affiliate (means you re-sell) of programs that your market may be interested in.
  • That even when a system says “you’ll be up and running in just 1 hour” that’s usually only when you have a bunch of the other pieces already in place.

So, I’m following (one of) the first steps, and writing about something that I’m very interested in right now – my adventures in online marketing. Check out my “about” page to learn more about how I got here. I promise to write again as I figure things out!

So… is it OK to tell you one package (affiliate program) that really took just a few hours to set-up a site that will actually pay me? They had very clear, specific steps to get started – I just needed to start to market it… here I go: